Cop held with ganja at police station in Portmore

Cop held with ganja at police station in Portmore

Apolice constable attached to the Greater Portmore Police Station was charged with breach of the Dangerous Drugs Act and unprofessional conduct after he was allegedly found with contraband at the station while on duty.

According to a police report, Constable Joel Fagan was posted on cell guard duties at the Portmore lock-ups between the hours of 8am and 6pm on March 29.

He was found to be missing from his post about 11:45am by the cell supervisor who went in search of the Constable. Fagan was allegedly seen entering the guardroom from the direction of the parking lot, carrying a grey drawstring bag and a bottle of water.

The constable on return to his post was confronted by the custody officer sergeant who reprimanded him. Constable Fagan allegedly then left and went to the reception area of the lock-ups where he was followed by the sergeant and another constable who retrieved the said drawstring bag from Fagan and searched it in Fagan’s presence.

The report said the bag was found to contain a parcel wrapped in transparent plastic tape containing one box of Craven “A”, a small quantity of tobacco/grabber, a small quantity of vegetable matter resembling ganja, one orange-coloured lighter, one 10 LTE cellular phone, a deck of cards, two packs rolling paper, two dozen white tablets, and three Darco razor blades.