Murders on the decline in 2023

Murders on the decline in 2023

There has been a 16 per cent reduction in murders so far this year, although several police divisions across the island have seen increases in shootings and killings.
Statistics from the Jamaica Constabulary Force up to April 30 this year show that Clarendon recorded the largest increase in murders with 69.6 per cent, followed by St Ann with 53.3 and Hanover, 40 per cent compared with the similar period last year.
The other police divisions recording increases in murders are Manchester with 33.3 per cent, Kingston Western, 17.9 per cent, and Kingston Eastern, 11.1 per cent.
The police say there were 409 murders up to April 30; a reduction of 16.4 per cent over last year. 
And statistics from the JCF show that the Kingston Central police division recorded the highest number of shootings so far this year. 
Twenty shootings have been recorded in that division up to April 30 - a 66.7 per cent increase when compared with the 12 shootings carried out during the corresponding period last year.
Thirteen shootings have been recorded in St Thomas compared with eight during the same period last year. This is an increase of 62.5 percent. 
Portland had three shootings up to April 30, committed, whereas there were two for the corresponding period last year.
The other police divisions which recorded increases in shootings are Clarendon with 35.7 per cent, Kingston Eastern, 25 per cent and St Andrew South with 10.5 per cent.