JCF, Beryllium moving to stop money courier service attacks

JCF, Beryllium moving to stop money courier service attacks

Ahigh-level team from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), headed by Deputy Commissioner in charge of the crime and security portfolio, Fitz Bailey, met with senior executives from Beryllium Limited on Wednesday afternoon.

Among the outcomes of the meeting, the JCF has established an investigative team comprised of representatives from a number of critical sections of the force, with the team being led by a superintendent of police.

The special team is to target groups of criminals who have been targeting money courier teams from the security company, primarily when they are making cash replenishing rounds at automated teller machines (ATM).

The latest attack against a Beryllium team was in Albion, St Thomas on Saturday, during which one member of the security team was injured.

Previously, there were three other attacks since February 27, two of which involved loss of a collective sum of $23 million dollars, the death of one guard, and injury to a number of other team members.

In giving assurance that the matter is being handled at the highest level security-wise, Bailey pledged to bring the perpetrators of the attacks to justice.