Government rejects attacks on media workers

Government rejects attacks on media workers

The Andrew Holness-led government says it strongly condemns any attempt to intimidate, threaten, or harm journalists and media workers while they carry out their duties.

This after reports surfaced of a journalist being threatened with rape at the Peoples National Party (PNP) headquarters on Monday night.

Minister with Responsibility for Information, Robert Nesta Morgan said "these actions represent a serious attack on press freedom and require swift and decisive action against those responsible."

Morgan, while highlighting that Jamaica has a strong reputation for protecting press freedom, called on PNP vice president, Mikhail Phillips, deputy general secretary, Dexroy Martin, and other senior members of the PNP who were present during the incident to report those responsible for the threats of rape against the RJR/Gleaner Group journalist to the police.

Morgan added that they "have a responsibility to do the right thing to not only protect Jamaica's reputation as a country that ensures a free press but more importantly the safety of law-abiding Jamaicans doing their jobs."

The Minister also called on opposition spokesperson on information, Senator Donna Scott Mottley, to speak out on the matter, noting her strong comments on press freedom last week and expressing shock that she has remained silent on the issue.

“This government is committed to press freedom and media safety. The PNP opposition must embrace a modern approach to media and turn its back on a well-documented past of intimidating, attacking and threatening media workers," Morgan said.