"MC of the Echo 1 sound, Fire Wayne, was appropriately dressed for the "best of Studio one" challenge"

Echo 1 Sound is set for the Magnum All Star Sound Clash Finals

The exciting semi-final round in the Magnum All Star Sound Clash came to a satisfying end on Friday, seeing Echo 1 sound securing the final spot in the finals. The Portmore-based sound system competed against Japanese Sound, Rispec Jam in round two of the semi-finals.

Ahead of the match, both sounds participated in a coin toss, Rispec Jam won the toss but opted to allow Echo 1 to play first. A tactic which did not work in their favour. Echo 1’s front man entered the stage suited up in what appeared to be a bullet-proof vest and a ski mask to the song “Kung Fu Fighting” which set fans the audience alight. This was then followed by Busy Signal’s “Jamaica Love” and Eric Donaldson’s festival song hit “Land of My Birth”.

At this point, MC of the sound, Fire Wayne, took out what appeared to be his birth certificate and said “Duh this and beat mi” to Rispec Jam sound, flaunting the paper in the air with a grin on his face.

Although Rispec Jam came equally strapped for the battle, donned in a black Karate Uniform, Samurai sword in hand, and the right attitude, it was not enough to triumph over the Echo 1 Sound System. The clash ended with a stellar victory by Echo 1 who won 5-0.

Following their landslide victory, Echo one is feeling excited and ready for the finals.

“We feel ecstatic going into the finals- you know we are super happy. We are really really enjoying the moment right now, so we just need to prepare for the finals on the twentieth,” he said.

Fire Wayne also stated that the team is actively studying their competition in preparation for the clash.

“We are basically studying our opponents- you know putting what we need to put together to execute the task at hand- suh we deh yah a study like a college,” he chuckled.

The Magnum All Star Sound Clash finals will be held on May 20, 2023, Downtown at the Kingston, Waterfront. Echo 1 will join the Five Star General Sound in the finals to compete for the winning spot.

The winning Sound System will walk away with a cash prize of $1,000,000, a trophy, the best sound system title, and bragging rights.