Miss Universe Jamaica 2022 Toshami Calvin is flanked by (from left) Ayanna Powell Myles (MUJ Central), Deborah Gordon (MUJ East), Shaday Forsythe (MUJ Northwest), and Tiffany Shields (MUJ Northeast). These regional queens are among the 30 contestants in the race for the national crown.

30 to compete for Miss Universe Jamaica crown

With the regional pageants now out of the way, 30 contestants will now compete for the 2023 Miss Universe Jamaica crown.

The finalists were selected on Saturday during an elimination event at AC Hotel Kingston.

This is the largest group of finalist in years, shared national director of the Miss Universe Jamaica Organisation Mark McDermoth.

"It's Uzuri/McDermoth Williams' tenth anniversary managing the Miss Universe brand in Jamaica and we plan to go bigger, better and more impactful this year. Also, we can't recall that many contestants ever being presented on a pageant stage in Jamaica before, so for the excitement alone that will be created, let's go," said McDermott.

The finalists span a wide range of professions and academic achievements.

"Off the top of my head there are at least three medical doctors, two attorneys, nurses, fashion designers, graphic artists, teachers, singers, an architect, a chef, a construction company manager/owner, graphic designer, software designer, dancers, numerous entrepreneurs, and university students," McDermoth revealed.

Participants of the Miss Universe Jamaica pageant have over the years singled out the entity in providing a platform that allows them to grow mentally and emotionally. McDermoth said the organisation will continue to help in that regard.

"We have been advocating from day one that the contestants must first be well themselves before they can embark on humanitarian efforts, and for that reason we've consistently engaged professionals to work with them... [T]he contestants learn so much more about improving their mental health, gaining confidence, improving their personalities, being better at their stage presentation, etiquette, social graces, and generally improving themselves and becoming more socially responsible human beings," shared McDermoth.

He continued: "We will be continuing with this programme of wellness this year, but will be expanding it by appointing an official psychologist, psychiatrist, and in addition to the pageant's official medical practitioner, Dr David Lambert, we will also be engaging two additional practitioners in a more hands-on capacity..."

The sashing of the contestants will take place on Sunday, June 25 at AC Hotel Kingston.

And, for the first time, the preliminary pre-judging show will also be open to the public.