PNP ahead of the JLP in latest party-funded poll

PNP ahead of the JLP in latest party-funded poll

The Opposition People's National Party (PNP) is ahead of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) by just over five percentage points, according to a PNP-commissioned Don Anderson poll, expanding its lead since the February polls.

The findings of the opinion poll, released Tuesday, indicated that 30.2 per cent of electors would mark their ballots for the PNP, while 25 per cent indicated a preference for the JLP.

The poll was conducted between June 8 and June 14 among 1,012 respondents. The margin of error was not revealed.

The voter intent for the PNP has increased by 2.1 per cent, when compared to 28.1 per cent who picked the political party in the last PNP-commissioned opinion poll in February 2023.

However, the voter intent for the JLP declined by 2.9 per cent as against the 27.9 per cent who sided with the JLP in the survey done in February. 

The results of the June opinion poll relative to the party standings are in stark contrast to the poll findings of June 2022, which showed the JLP being the preferred choice of 34 per cent of those polled, while the PNP had received 18 per cent of the nod of those interviewed.

In another area canvassed in the latest Don Anderson poll, 47.6 per cent of respondents said the JLP-led Government does not deserve a second term, as opposed to 31.6 per cent who said they deserved another term.

Approximately 20.8 per cent of respondents were not sure. 

Commenting on the latest poll findings, Opposition Leader and PNP President Mark Golding said he was encouraged by the results. However, he said the party would not be "complacent" as it continues its candidate selection exercise.

"It's a good day for us, where we enjoy a substantial lead outside of the margin of error," declared Golding, adding that the PNP's work on the ground continues.