Mayberry Investments Limited CEO, Gary Peart (right), and Co-Chairman of Project Star Keith Duncan (centre) share a moment of satisfaction at the signing ceremony on Wednesday. Gazing forward with optimism is Executive Chairman of Mayberry Investments, Christopher Berry (left).

The Mayberry Foundation donates $10 million to Project STAR.

The pages of community history were rewritten as the Mayberry Foundation, a trailblazing force in social and economic development, announced a partnership with Project STAR, affirming their commitment to fostering positive change in communities across Jamaica.

The Mayberry Foundation's donation of $10 million will be disbursed over a span of four years in tranches of $2.5 million annually. This infusion of capital will propel Project STAR's multifaceted initiatives, aimed at revitalising marginalised communities and driving comprehensive socio-economic growth.

The announcement was made during the Mayberry Investor Update, showcasing Project STAR's mission and progress. Keith Duncan, project sponsor of Project STAR, expressed deep gratitude for the Mayberry Foundation's support and shared insights into the far-reaching impact of the collaboration. The presentation highlighted the successful integration of diverse programmes, ranging from early childhood school feeding initiatives to job training and employment programmes as well as sports and community governance.

Chris Berry’s, Executive Chairman of Mayberry Investments, unwavering conviction in the power of transformative change was eloquently expressed: "STAR emerges as an unparalleled embodiment of comprehensive initiative, a programme of unmatched scale that I have ever witnessed. As an individual firmly rooted in the belief that every challenge holds a solution, I am resolute in my support. Inspired by my brother Keith's decision to embark on this ambitious journey, it's worth noting that the Duncan family is renowned for its ethos of compassion. We've long been champions of aiding others, and with this collaboration, we extend our efforts to amplify our impact, benefiting not only ourselves but the broader community. Our commitment stands resolute at 100%," he asserted.

STAR, a visionary endeavor jointly led by the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force, encompasses strategic partnerships with various government entities, community-based organizations and private sector stakeholders. This collective effort aims to transform low-resourced communities by addressing critical social and economic challenges in a holistic and sustainable manner.

"The Mayberry Foundation's important contribution reaffirms the team’s commitment to the betterment of Jamaica and underscores their role as a driving force behind positive change," said Duncan. "We are thrilled to welcome The Mayberry Foundation as a signature donor, and this support will undoubtedly advance our vision of vibrant, thriving communities."

Despite the Mayberry Foundation's modest size, Berry underscored their unwavering resolve to achieve an impact that transcends expectations, affirming, "While our foundation may be small in scale, it consistently punches above its weight. Often, we find ourselves being compared to entities of a different league, a comparison that doesn't truly reflect our dedication. With just 130 employees at Mayberry, we've consistently defied conventional expectations. And now, we're stepping up yet again. This marks one of the most significant contributions we've made this year."

The event showcased the impactful initiatives already underway in East Downtown, Kingston, where Project STAR has been operational for just over eight months, with substantial achievements in areas such as childhood education, skills development, employment creation and social cohesion.

Duncan, who is also co-chair of the Oversight Board of STAR, emphasised the importance of a comprehensive approach, noting, "Our focus is not only on social interventions but also on fostering economic empowerment. By partnering with organisations such as The Mayberry Foundation, we can create an ecosystem that enables micro and small businesses to flourish, stimulating economic activity and ensuring long-term sustainability."

Elaborating on the potential for substantial returns on investment, Berry emphasised, "Our well wishes extend to Keith and the entire Jamaican community engaged in the mission of Project STAR. We envision a community where all capable individuals come forward—those with skills, time or financial resources. Keith stands ready to impart his expertise, nurturing a wave of positive change. As for those with financial means, the opportunity for meaningful impact is substantial. The return on investment in this endeavour is poised to stand among the highest in Jamaica's history."

As Project STAR expands its reach from East Downtown, Kingston to additional communities such as Sav-La-Mar, Westmoreland and May Pen, Clarendon the vision of catalysing socio-economic transformation gains momentum. The Mayberry Foundation's generous contribution will play a pivotal role in driving this transformation throughout communities across Jamaica.