Subsequent to its superb costume presentation on
October 16th, Xodus Carnival has launched a new subsidiary, MasCreate Studios.
MasCreate Studios is a ‘concept to creation’ carnival costume design and production house that provides a
360 degree production experience for carnival bands, including thematic ideations, costume
design, photoshoots and costume production of body wear, accessories and feathered backpacks.
MasCreate Studios consists of a team of notable designers who collaborated to produce more
than half of the designs in the recently presented ‘Mas Couture’ Xodus costume launch. For this
Jamaica Carnival debut, JustJess (Jessica Campbell), Kris Jackson and Annaxie make up the
talented team of designers who collaborated to conceptualize and design 8 costumes, and the
dedicated team of seamstresses, gemmers and backpack architects worked to complete the looks.
The designs produced by the team are: Art Deco, Cyber Punk, Disco, Gothic, Hippie, Hollywood
Glam, Regency, and Roaring 20’s.
As innovators in entertainment, Xodus identified challenges that plagued the carnival industry in
Jamaica, including, but not limited to, sourcing material from wholesalers, creative direction,
diversification and wearable designs for masqueraders; which prompted the creation of the
subsidiary as the solution to those issues.
Jessica Campbell, General Manager of MasCreate, expresses that “I’ve been in the carnival
space for roughly 7 years, with first hand experience in the design, production and project
management aspects. The local carnival design industry has been facing many difficulties, so in
order to combat these issues, MasCreate is focused on improving the growth, efficiency, and
accessibility in the carnival design space.”
Though it's a subsidiary of Xodus Carnival , MasCreate’s services are not limited to designing
solely for the Xodus team. Currently, it has been engaged to work on collections for the Notting
Hill, Barbados, Miami, Cayman, and Canadian Carnivals. Additionally, local carnival bands can
engage MasCreate to execute any stage of their costume process.
“The business of carnival is multifaceted and it takes great collaborative effort to create an
excellent product that revelers will continue to enjoy and be impressed with. A big part of that
experience is costume production and design and as we continue to grow the carnival industry in
Jamaica it is a logical move to also grow the local carnival design sector. In addition to solving
some of the industry’s biggest problems, MasCreate Studios will provide an opportunity to train,
hire and empower more local designers to become involved in the carnival space, allowing
Jamaica to become a more active participant in the regional and global carnival industries,”
explains Pierre Goubault, CEO of Xodus Carnival.
Through MasCreate, Xodus Carnival aims to revamp and grow the local industry, further
developing the talent pool of carnival producers, including designers, welders and seamstresses.
“Making the design process more efficient for not just the designers, but also bands and
masqueraders was really high on our list of priorities. Carnival starts and ends with the costumes,
therefore MasCreate has committed to providing a more inclusive environment for costumes to
be created, that appeals to and compliments masqueraders of all body types,” Campbell
Costumes are now available for purchase on the Xodus Carnival website,
https://xoduscarnival.com. The Xodus showroom is open Monday-Friday from 11:00 AM- 6:00
PM, and on Saturdays from 11:00 AM- 2:00 PM. Masqueraders are encouraged to secure their
costumes before they’re sold out, to be a part of the Xodus experience on April 7, 2024.