(from left) Martena Dawkins and her mom, Janine Hibbert are showered in confetti as they enjoy the feel of their brand new 2023 Honda HRV at the Hot Summer Wheels handover on Friday at the Seprod Group of Companies.

Busta Continues to Light Up Lives

A 2023 Honda HRV is the latest way the Busta soft drinks brand is creating flavourful memories with its customers In its recently concluded Hot Summer Wheels promotion across ten Caribbean islands, one lucky winner from Jamaica copped the top prize of a new vehicle.

After collating 250,000 entries from across the region and over 80,000 from Jamaica alone, Martena Dawkins emerged as the overall winner of the 2023 Honda HRV. Dawkins entered the
contest with the aim of winning the car for her mother, after seeing her mom win a gift voucher from the same contest.

Dawkins said she submitted multiple entries daily so that she could increase her chances of winning. Both she and her mother were quite emotional about the win and were very thankful to
both S.M. Jaleel and Company Limited and Facey Commodity Co. Ltd, makers and distributors of Busta soft drinks and other major beverage brands. The participating brands in the campaign
were Turbo Energy Drink, Busta Soft Drinks and Classic Soft Drink.

“I was at work when I got the call. I was lucky enough to be able to answer at the time because we can’t really use phones at work. When I heard that I won, I was overjoyed, jumping and
screaming in shock. I’m very thankful to Busta for this, it’s definitely a life-changing experience and one I will never forget, ” Dawkins said.

Dawkins collected her grand prize on Friday, November 10, 2023, coincidentally the day of her 20th birthday. It was a truly joyous atmosphere, where she was celebrated by her mother and the
entire Busta team. In addition to the car, there were over 100 weekly winners collectively receiving more than $15,000 USD in cash and Amazon Gift cards.

Chana Hay, General Manager of Facey Commodity Co. Ltd, said the company enjoyed quite a bit of success with its Mills Christmas promotion and definitely wanted to keep giving back. “In
all, we gave away close to 10M JMD because we know the hardships families faced in preparation for back to school. We are excited and encouraged that our customers really got
involved and took full advantage of the promotion,”Hay said.

As part of the Hot Summer Wheels promotion, consumers had to purchase a bottle of Busta or Classic soft drink or Turbo energy drink and submit their name, a mobile or telephone number
and the eight-digit code printed on the bottle to a whatsapp number or via website link. “We made a lot of people happy over the 9 weeks of the promotion and we are happy to be able
to do that,” Hay continued.

Busta Soft Drink, Turbo Energy drink and Classic are distributed by Facey Commodity, a division of the Seprod Group of Companies.