There are singers, and then there are singers.
Bob Marley said Dennis Brown was his favourite singer.
Similarly, there are many singers who would rate mid-ranged baritone Dudley Scott quite highly.
Among his finest qualities are his nuanced expressions, grade A pronunciation and a rare ability to evolve meandering melodies.
With a solid twenty years In the business, his experience cannot be challenged.
His journey started casually singing songs from radio and in church.
That groundation is easily recognized in his solo album “Victorious”, available on all streaming platforms and in select record stores in America and Jamaica.
Was singing his natural calling? “Not really, I've always liked to sing from as long as I can remember. It was in my teens though when it became a fantasy moreso than a dream.
And now he is living the dream. “My catalog is not large. I did not go around trying to record for everyone. I stuck to the producers I admired, hoping eventually to be placed front and centre but this never quite materialized. I did not record as often as I would have liked. I would say a little over thirty songs roughly.”
And how does he describe his music? “My sound is more smooth, not too bright not too dark. I sing about relationships, the plight of my people - what they call conscious music, love and whatever I feel as Bob Marley say sing what you feel!”
“I ty to reach all demographics, my music has no limitations. The subjects are diverse, uplifting, real and easy on the ears.”
As for the growth of reggae music internationally, he believes it’s still there; “it's still alive but there seems to be some stagnation. We need to rethink our approach to all areas of the industry. The infrastructure has to grow as the music and in order for music to grow. You can't run a supermarket out of a stall.”
“There are some good reggae/dancehall music still being made with great artistes and producers still around and working. The problem is most of the great works are not placed at the front because of the channels that you have to navigate in order to expose these works.
Victorious consists of ten songs and can only describe it as a great first effort. It is available on every major platform/ online shops iTunes, Amazon, spotify etc.
The hope is to get the album some exposure all over the world thus joining the already established reggae ambassadors.
Dudley Scott’s intention is to record a few singles before work begins on a new album.