Lifespan Water Fuels Jamaica Badminton Academy's Shuttle Showdown

The Jamaica Badminton Academy is thrilled to announce that it has partnered with Lifespan Water, the leading brand of naturally alkaline spring water in Jamaica.

This exciting collaboration will see Lifespan Water as the official sponsor for our highly anticipated Shuttle Showdown this September.

Kenneth Anglin, co-founder of the Jamaica Badminton Academy is confident that this collaboration is a big milestone for the sport of badminton in Jamaica.

“Having a brand like Lifespan Water support Jamaica Badminton Academy is a step towards growing the sport in Jamaica. As a big leader is supporting their local community, Lifespan’s decision to stand behind our academy shows that they believe in the transformative power of badminton and the impact it can have on our communities.” – Kenneth Anglin, co-founder of the Jamaica Badminton Academy.

Lifespan Water: Refreshing hydration for our athletes

As our sponsor, Lifespan Water will provide our athletes with their naturally alkaline water, an ideal hydration source that will revitalize our players as they compete. With the help of Lifespan, the academy will be setting up hydration stations for athletes, officials, and visitors at each event that will be held. Lifespan will replenish these stations as is needed.

The General Manager for Lifespan Robert Scott is also ecstatic about this partnership echoing similar sentiments. “We here at Lifespan love all things sports and together, with the Badminton Academy, we will ensure to inspire athletes at all levels. Hydration is of paramount importance to sportsmen and women and we are happy to fulfill this need,” Scott said.

Coach Katherine Wynter believes that Lifespan is an essential addition to our upcoming Shuttle Showdown as staying hydrated is needed for good performance on the court.

“Lifespan Water will provide quality hydration to our athletes during the competition. Not only does it provide additional nutrients and minerals that will help prevent dehydration, but staying hydrated can reduce the risk of injuries of our players.

It will also help to regulate their body temperature in between plays and aid in their recovery after their match is done” - Coach Katherine Wynter, Jamaica Badminton Academy.

Lifespan Water and the Growth of Badminton in Jamaica


The Jamaica Badminton Academy will be competing in many events locally including Summer Swing in July, Tournament at YMCA and Club Knockouts in September, All Jamaica in November and Super Series in December, and internationally, including the Pan American Junior Championships in July and the CARIBACO international championships in August.


The Shuttle Showdown promises to be thrilling event packed with intense badminton action. With Lifespan Water as the event’s sponsor, Dr Matthew Lee, co-founder of the Jamaica Badminton Academy, believes it will improve the performance of our athletes.

“I’m sure our athletes will appreciate having Lifespan Water available to them during the competition. It will provide countless benefits to them as they give their best on the court during the competition.

It’s also a good feeling to know that such a reputable brand believes in our academy’s initiatives. I feel as though this is just the start of getting more people interested in badminton and I’m glad that Lifespan is a part of that.” - Dr Matthew Lee, co-founder of the Jamaica Badminton Academy

The Jamaica Badminton Academy was founded in 2020 and is dedicated to ensuring that their players have a safe space to enrichen their lives through sport.