NHF's CEO chosen as Jamaica's MIND Awardee for Leadership Excellence

NHF's CEO chosen as Jamaica's MIND Awardee for Leadership Excellence

Everton W. Anderson, chief executive officer of the National Health Fund (NHF) is Jamaica’s 2024 awardee for the Management Institute for National Development’s (MIND) Public Life Award for Leadership Excellence.

He received his award in a ceremony held on Thursday, July 11, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.

Responding to the act of honour, Mr. Anderson shared his motivation and thanked his team for supporting him throughout his tenure.

“Loving what I do has always been my motivation. I enjoy going into waiting rooms and hear a patient express satisfaction. It absolutely makes my day. I’d also like to thank my team. We dream big dreams, and I’ve never had pushback; in fact, most times they make my ideas better.”

In his capacity of CEO over the last eleven years, he led the NHF to major successes such as the re-engineering of the pharmaceutical warehouse, a redesign of the building, as well as a new Warehouse Management System to improve its capacity and service standards. He also expanded the certification of ISO 9001:2015 to the pharmaceutical services. In addition, the waiting time in the Drug Serv pharmacies was significantly reduced; and patients now have access to same-day NHFCard processing.

In congratulating the Agency’s leader, Ruby Brown, chief executive officer – MIND said, “his exemplary leadership, demonstrated through dedicated service and significant impact on driving results and professionalism in the public sector, is truly commendable.” She added, “He has further elevated the standards of governance and public service excellence in our country.”

Mr. Anderson, who is also a member of the order of distinction, closed his response with a continued commitment to service.

“I accept this award as a call to even greater service and you can be sure that I will press even harder to serve the people of Jamaica.”

The NHF family is proud of his noble accolades.