Small Businesses Association of Jamaica Celebrates 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Small Businesses Association of Jamaica Celebrates 50th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Small Businesses Association of Jamaica (SBAJ) proudly announces its 50 th Annual General Meeting. The celebration was held on August 12, 2024, at the prestigious Small Businesses Association of Jamaica Headquarters, commencing at 2 pm.

The Annual General Meeting was chaired by Dr. William Lawrence, Chairman.
The meeting featured the re-election of new directors, including:

 Mr. Garnett M. Reid, JP-
Former JLP, MP Care taker for
South West St. Andrew,
President of SBAJ, Managing
Director of Rent-A-Car
Caribbean & Auto Sales
 Mr. Norman W. Grant- Former
Senator, 1 st Vice President of
SBAJ, Managing Director&
CEO of Mavis Bank Coffee
Factory Ltd.
 Ms. Dennise Williams- 2 nd Vice
President of SBAJ,
CEO& Public Relation of
Financially Focused TV
 Mr. Kevin Frith- Secretary of
SBAJ, CEO of Ideas Execution
 Mr. Fred Manderson- 2 nd
Secretary of SBAJ
 Mr. Donovan Wignal-
Treasurer of SBAJ, CEO at
MairTrans International
Logistics Ltd
 Mr. Leon Robinson- Assistant
Treasurer of SBAJ, CEO/Lead
Designer of Insight Studios
 Ms. Bridgette Steele- Board
Member of SBAJ, Director of
B&S Cleaning Services

About the Small Businesses Association of Jamaica (SBAJ)
The Small Businesses Association of Jamaica (SBAJ) was registered in 1974, and currently serves a membership of approximately 467 individuals/business operations
and Associates. The SBAJ is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of small businesses across Jamaica. Through advocacy, education, and networking, the
Association strives to create a thriving business environment that fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth.
The mission of the SBAJ is to support the economy of Jamaica through the
development of the Small Business Sector:-
 The promotion of entrepreneurship and mentoring of members;
 The facilitation of technical advice, training, consultancy, trade services and
employing modern technology;
 Lobbying banks and government to set aside a pool of funds for capital
support to the sector; and, fostering successful corporate citizenship and good
The vision of the SBAJ is to become an organization of national, regional and
international impact with economic, social and political advocacy while being the
voice of the small business sector in Jamaica.
Services offered by the SBAJ are:

 Business counseling
 Office services
 Training courses
 Conventions, Expositions and
 Business Registration
 Business matching
 Financial services Referrals
Lending Agencies most
suitable to assist in financial
 Incubator Support
 Flea Market

Join the SBAJ in celebrating 50 years of supporting small businesses and driving
economic development in Jamaica!