Speaking in Parliament on Tuesday (October 29) Minister of Health & Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton MP noted that by the end of this year, some services will be returning to the main building of the Cornwall Regional Hospital.
“Madam Speaker, we launched Phase 3 of the project that is to realise the full rehabilitation of the building. This is being done in sections and Madam Speaker, the first section of the building to be rehabilitated is the administrative block with staff being able to be accommodated by Christmas,” Dr. Tufton said.
“The contractors have advised me that by April of 2025 the medical records department, the general stores, the dietary department and the server rooms will be fully rehabilitated and operational. Madam Speaker, these areas are critical to the proper functioning of the hospital and are being prioritised to ensure that when the full operations are restarted, they can provide the appropriate support to the patients and staff in the facility,” added Dr. Tufton.
By the end of the first quarter of the next financial year, the next section of the building to be rehabilitated is the Accident and Emergency Unit that will be fully equipped with new CT and MRI machines as well as brand new amenities to support the work of the staff in A&E.
Western Child and Adolescents Hospital
The development of the Western Child and Adolescents Hospital with an expected completion date of first quarter in the new financial year. The Western Regional Health Authority has completed the staffing plan for the facility, and it is expected that in the first phase an additional 300 positions will be created to support the functioning of the facility. A Deputy CEO, the Senior Medical Officer and a consultant paediatrician have been employed.
Once completed, the CRH complex will be the largest health campus in the Region boasting some 800 beds with over 26 specialisations being offered. The facility will boast state of the art amenities and equipment managed through the newly implemented Maintenance Policy of the Ministry.