Mass Shooting Disrupts Peace Process in Park Lane

Mass Shooting Disrupts Peace Process in Park Lane

Karl Samuda, MP for St. Andrew North Central, has expressed grave concern about the fact the peace process in Park Lane has suffered a major setback with Saturday night's deadly attack by gunmen.

Investigators believe the shooting of seven people stemmed from an intra-gang dispute.

Two brothers were among three persons killed.

Mr. Samuda said that it was only recently he had praised the community for maintaining peace for an extended period.

“Absolute disappointment” was how the MP characterized his reaction to the shooting, adding that “it is going to take a lot of internal discussion and understanding of the specific reasons that led to it,” in order to restore peace to the traumatized community.

Nevertheless, he said he was committed to the endeavor, “to see if we can have the matters settled down again begin to enjoy the sort of peaceful atmosphere that had prevailed for such a long time

Following the shooting some residents of Park Lane moved out of the community.