Lanae says celebrities should look to help poor Jamaicans first

Lanae says celebrities should look to help poor Jamaicans first

Charity begins at home. Singjay Lanae believes that Jamaican celebrities ought to focus greater efforts on tackling poverty and lending their voice to assist in social causes in Jamaica, rather than make empty gestures to assist nation states experiencing high profile disasters.
Lanae believes that such gestures are  "a blatant publicity grab".  
"Jamaican celebrities need to help locals who are destitute in Jamaica before they seek to send help overseas just for publicity sake. I empathize with the people of  The Bahamas at this time, and feel that as a country, we should help out, but celebrities should try to put Jamaica first. Why? On a daily basis, I see so much suffering and poverty in Jamaica, the homeless people, families struggling to send their kids to school, the destitute and the sick, and sometimes, I feel that these celebrity gestures of help to overseas people with whom they have no connection, is just a way to gain followers on their IG pages," the outspoken singjay said. 
"Whenever, there is a major tragedy, there is an outpouring of support but what about the small kindnesses, the need to help our own, our local celebrities need to do more, and I want to do my part. I don't want to be do any publicity grab just to get followers online, I really want to help our own people who I see everyday," she said. 
The model-turned-artiste is promoting her second single, 'Hi School' , released on the LGC Entertainment label on September 9th. The song has been in rotation on radio, racking up spins on Mello FM, Suncity Radio and ZIP FM. 
"The response has been great so far, it is playing at weekly events in Portmore, and in the Corporate Area. The response to my live performances at the events has been overwhelming, and I am so grateful to my fans online. Save the music!" she said. 
A graduate of the Montego Bay High School for Girls, Lanae grew up in Montego Bay, and after leaving high school, she tried her hand at modelling, doing several events at hotels in and around Montego Bay, and at entertainment events at Pier One. Last year, she dabbled in teh world of pageantry when she entered and won the regional Ms. Universe Jamaica Northwest pageant, grabbing the Miss Congenial title.

Later that year, she also entered the Ms. Jamaica Universe contest where she placed in the top 14, winning the Miss Congenial sectional prize again. She released her first single, 'Baddest Ish' two months ago. 
Lanae is in her final year, reading for a management studies degree at the University of the West Indies.