NPTAJ wants teachers fined $2.5m for practicing without licence

NPTAJ wants teachers fined $2.5m for practicing without licence

The National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica (NPTAJ) wants fines for teachers who practice without a licence to go up to $2.5 million.
The Jamaica Teaching Council Bill, which is now being reviewed by a parliamentary committee, prescribes fines of up to $500,000.
But NPTAJ representative Donovan Mayne told the committee on Wednesday that certain scenarios, like teaching without a licence, would warrant a hasher penalty to act as a deterrent. 
The recommendation did not stop there, as Mr. Mayne added that if someone submits fraudulent documentation to the JTC to be registered to become a teacher, "that's an intent to defraud and we think that person shouldn't be faced with a $500,000 fine but a $2.5 million fine". 
The Jamaica Teachers' Association has also argued for a tiered system of fines.
However, it proposes the other tiers should be below the $500,000 penalty set out in the legislation.
The Teachers' Colleges of Jamaica has said many teachers will not be able to afford the fines and could end up in jail.