Former JCF Police Turned U.S Soldier Accused of Raping A 15yr Old Girl

Former JCF Police Turned U.S Soldier Accused of Raping A 15yr Old Girl

A United States military officer who is a former Jamaica Constabulary Force member has been granted bail on charges of abduction and rape allegedly involving a 15-year-old student in Jamaica.

 He is Garnette Maragh, 31, of a St Mary address.
He was granted bail in the sum of $400,000 when he appeared before Port Maria Parish Court in St Mary. He is to return to court on November 30.
In applying for bail, Maragh's attorney, Queen's Counsel Peter Champagnie brought to the court's attention documentary evidence to prove that as soon as his client got word that he was wanted by the local authorities, he contacted the police and brought the matter to his US Commanding Officer.
Champagnie submitted that Maragh had given full cooperation and referred the court to delays in getting DNA results. He also raised questions about the integrity of the results.
It's alleged that on March 5, 2018,  Maragh offered the complainant a ride home. He allegedly drove a different route and had sexual intercourse with the complainant in his car.

Maragh, who was a cop at the time of the incident, was reportedly stopped by the police during a routine spot check.

The complainant reportedly did not make an alarm as it appeared to her that Maragh was an associate or friend of the police.

A report was subsequently made at the police station and Maragh was detained and placed on an identification.

The complainant failed to point him out on the parade and Maragh was released.

A year later Maragh resigned from the police force and migrated to the US. He later joined army.

Almost a year later DNA evidence was produced which suggested that Maragh had sexual contact with the complainant.

Following an Interpol notice, Maragh was returned to Jamaica earlier this month.