US commits to help stem flow of illegal guns into Caribbean

US commits to help stem flow of illegal guns into Caribbean

Chairman of the CARICOM Council for National Security and Law Enforcement, Dr. Horace Chang, says the United States has given a commitment to the region that it will work towards stemming the flow of illegal firearms into the Caribbean.
Jamaica last week hosted the 24th meeting of the Council and Dr. Chang said the issue of illicit firearms trafficking was identified as a tier one threat in the CARICOM Regional Security Strategy. 
Illicit firearms trafficking is also viewed as one of the main drivers of criminality levels in region.
Dr. Chang, who is also Jamaica's National Security Minister, said the issue has the potential to cripple the already fragile socio-economic developmental progress in CARICOM and the growth of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy.
Washington's commitment to assist the region was given during an extensive presentation at the three-day meeting. US agencies including Homeland Security; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and Agency for Narcotics contributed to the presentation.