Police High Command condemns cop's murder, promises 'thorough' investigation

Police High Command condemns cop's murder, promises 'thorough' investigation

KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Police High Command has condemned Thursday night's murder of Corporal Oliver Mullings, who was gunned down in the line of duty on Third Street in the Kingston Western Police Division, promising a "thorough investigation" of the incident.

Reports are that at about 10:45 pm, the Corporal was among a team of officers who responded to a call from residents in the area. It is understood that a gunman engaged the cop in an exchange of gunfire, during which both men were fatally shot.

The High Command has also expressed condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the slain Corporal.

The Jamaica Constabulary Force’s Chaplaincy Branch and Welfare Department will be providing support to the family members, colleagues and friends of Mullings.

Corporal Mullings is the second lawman to be gunned down in less than a week.

On Saturday, 22-year-old Constable Brian Martin was shot dead at a wake on Ricketts Avenue in Kingston 13. Four other people were shot in the incident.