The racists are circling - Rishi Sunak's birthright questoned on popular London radio show

The racists are circling - Rishi Sunak's birthright questoned on popular London radio show

London: 'Rishi Sunak isn't even British...' said a caller during a show at Britain's one of the most popular radio stations. Notably, earlier today, Indian-origin Rishi Sunak announced his candidacy for the race to become Britain's next PM after Liz Truss resigned from post.

A caller on the LBC radio show, a member of the Tory party said that 'Sunak doesn't love England' and that he 'isn't British in most people's opinions.' "Rishi Sunak isn't even British in most people's opinion... He doesn't love England like Boris does," the caller, who identified himself as Jerry, said.

The show's host, Sangita Myska responded to the caller by saying that Rishi Sunak was born in the UK and had attended educational institutions in the country. Boris Johnson, however, was born in New York. Myska went on to ask the caller what could Rishi Sunak do to 'prove his love for Britain,' to which, Jerry replied 'nothing.'

"Could you mention me becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan or Saudi Arabia? No. Eighty-five per cent of England are white English people and they want a Prime Minister who reflects that. I can’t just go to India and be the Prime Minister there can I?" the caller added.

"I think you are fundamentally a racist, and it’s absolutely fascinating that you and other Tory Party members think like this," the show host retorted.

Rishi Sunak, on Sunday, confirmed he is standing for the leadership of the ruling Conservative party and in effect, the post of British PM.

Taking to Twitter, Sunak wrote, "The United Kingdom is a great country but we face a profound economic crisis. I want to fix our economy, unite our party and deliver for our country."