Cedric the Entertainer, Majah Hype deliver big in Jamaica

Cedric the Entertainer, Majah Hype deliver big in Jamaica

BOUTS of laughter filled the National Arena in St Andrew at the Ourburst Standup Comedy Series on Saturday night. Favourites Christopher "Johnny" Daley and Majah Hype, as well as Americans Rita B and Cedric The Entertainer, delivered strongly on the dome-shaped stage.

It had been nearly two decades since Cedric visited Jamaica, but he sprung on stage in a tailored seaweed-green suit, giving his best rendition of Ding Dong's Bounce. He maintained a high momentum for approximately one hour as he danced around current affairs such as COVID-19 and his thoughts about Jamaican culture.

For event conceptualiser, Kahlil Shirley, he could not have asked for more.

"I was pleased. Rita B—she did her work, [she] got to know the culture. Chris, Majah Hype and Cedric; those guys are professionals. Majah is just major. Johnny served the purpose of both host and performer and he did extremely well," Shirley said.

Daley's set was mainly banter about his childhood and romantic experiences. Coupled with his enthusiastic personality, the audience could not help but be engaged.

By the time he introduced Majah Hype, who delivered a more PG-18 performance, all eyes and ears were glued to the stage or one of four big screens that surrounded it for better viewing.

Rita B spoke of how much she learnt while being in Jamaica for only a few days and hopes to inject some of the country's culture into her life.

Though the National Arena was not filled to capacity, Shirley was pleased considering the multiple Halloween parties that were held in the Corporate Area that evening, as well as a retro party at neighbouring Mas Camp.

"It could always be better. In the timeline that was given, it was good. Considering what was going on, we were competing with like nine other events, with one going on next door. It was a hard task to ask people to give preference to our event, especially with a certain ticket price," he said, adding that the event took approximately four months of planning.

Those who did decide to make the comedy series their event of choice, did not regret it.

"It was so good. Majah Hype was phenomenal and Cedric was great as usual. I was laughing the entire time," accountant Sherrilyn Wright said.

Entrepreneur Shane Brown, who admitted that he is a hard nut to crack, shared similar views.

"I don't laugh for just anything, but trust me, they did great," he said.