Golding slams JLP over over government failures

Golding slams JLP over over government failures

Opposition Leader and PNP President Mark Golding is arguing that the government has not been addressing all the fundamental steps that should take place to move the country in the right direction.

Golding, who was speaking at the party’s St. James Central constituency conference on Sunday, says the country is in an ‘awful state’.

Meanwhile.Opposition Spokesman on National Security, Senator Peter Bunting was critical of the Holness administration’s handling of crime suggesting that the rate of murders was fewer during the PNP’s time in office.

 Senator Bunting was also responding to criticism that previous PNP administrations have defunded the Police.


At a recent JLP conference the National Security Minister had said the result of that reported defunding triggered a rise in criminality.

He argued that with the current murder rate, it will surpass 1500 before the end of the year.


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