Opposition outlines Vale Royal Talks agenda items

Opposition outlines Vale Royal Talks agenda items

The Opposition has outlined items it wants to see on the agenda for the Vale Royal Talks with the Government.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness stated that he will engage with the Opposition at the talks as the Government seeks to build consensus on the contentious issue of repeated use of states of public emergency (SOE).

The Opposition has bashed the government on the matter and has indicated that it plans to go to court to seek a declaration.

In a statement today, Opposition Leader and President of the People's National Party Mark Golding says he wants the discussion to go beyond SOEs.

Golding says the party is interested to see an overall plan for making Jamaica safer.

“The fact that, despite my repeated calls, the Government has only convened a single Vale Royal meeting (in February last year) since the last general election, underscores that there has been a lack of any authentic desire to seek consensus on critical issues which should be above partisan politics.  

“We, therefore, wish the next Vale Royal talks to include a mutual commitment to continuous consultation to build consensus on making Jamaica a safe place in which to live, as this is a priority of our people at this time,” said Golding.

He outlined the following:

* A comprehensive national programme to engage youth at risk.

* A new legislative mechanism to target known “violence producers”.

* Reimagining and redefining the scope of Zones of Special Operations as the main tool to restore order and peace in troubled communities. 

* A shared understanding of the specific objectives of the proposed (and long overdue) legislation for Enhanced Security Measures.

* An immediate reset of the GOJ's engagement with the Jamaican Diaspora's experts on crime and security matters to achieve a productive relationship that can help Jamaica overcome our most serious national problem.

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