Robert Chin, brother of PNP MP, charged after NMIA drug bust

Robert Chin, brother of PNP MP, charged after NMIA drug bust

The Narcotics Division has now formally charged 56-year-old Robert Chin of Mona in Kingston 6, in relation to the seizure of 12 kilograms of cocaine at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston on Monday, January 2.

Reports are that at about 7am, Chin was attempting to board a departing flight to the United States of America but managed to evade arrest after anomalies were detected on a suitcase assigned to him.

A search of the luggage was conducted and the illicit drug with an estimated street value of US$600,000 was found. Chin was later arrested at about 6:30pm, the same day.

Chin has been charged with the following offences:

  • possession of cocaine;
  • dealing in cocaine;
  • attempting to export cocaine; and
  • conspiracy to export cocaine.

He is scheduled to appear before the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Friday, January 6.

On Wednesday, his brother, Member of Parliament (MP) for North West Manchester, the People's National Party's (PNP) Mikael Phillips distanced himself from the arrest of his half-brother in connection to the major cocaine bust.

"The issue is unrelated to me, and therefore I am and remain unconnected to it," Phillips stated.