Holness condemns rape and murder of Hanover schoolgirl

Holness condemns rape and murder of Hanover schoolgirl

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has expressed his outrage at the murder of nine-year-old Nikita Noel, saying the "horrifying murder is a shock to our collective conscience" and "can only be described as evil”.

He says the society must clearly define and defend the moral line by speaking out against and unequivocally condemning these violent acts.

He's also urging Jamaicans to support measures that will bring the perpetrators to justice.

He notes that the Government is urgently amending the Offences Against the Person Act, "to provide stiffer penalties for those who terrorise and prey upon our people, particularly vulnerable and innocent children."

"Such barbaric criminals must be in no doubt that the country wants them separated from the society,” he says.

The Government is moving to amend the Offences of the Person Act to increase the mandatory minimum sentence for murder from 15 to 45 years.

In the meantime, Holness has offered his "deep condolence and support" to Nikita's family.

“My heart goes out to Nikita's family and loved ones and I am sure the entire Jamaica is praying for the family at this very sad time,” he says.